The Region 2000 Services Authority is looking at a variety of actions to reduce and mitigate odors at the Livestock Road Regional Landfill.
Other Related Reports and Updates:
Region 2000 Regional Landfill Livestock Road Facility Odor Investigation Report

Gas collection piping was installed at the leachate collection pipe cleanouts (indicated by the dark blue lines on the adjacent aerial map) to collect landfill gas which began operation on June 15, 2015. During this pilot program, which is currently operational 24/7, approximately 150 cubic feet per minute of landfill gas is being withdrawn from 8 leachate cleanouts around the perimeter of the active landfill (Phase III). The collected gas is then filtered through a carbon-filled canister and then burned off through a flare system. After its installation, monitoring tests are showing a decrease in methane gas emissions and odors around the perimeter of the active landfill.
In January 2016 a larger flare system was installed. This new system has increased the pilot scale collection system to 350 cubic feet per minute with 28 inches of vacuum, increasing the landfill gas treatment capability.

In January 2016, the Region 2000 Services Authority will consider an unsolicited proposal to install a comprehensive, permanent gas collection system which has been received from SCS Engineering.
The proposed landfill gas collection system will include vertical landfill gas extraction wells, leachate cleanout connections, buried landfill gas collection piping, isolation valves, condensate management features, and a blower/flare station.
It should be noted that the Livestock Road Regional Landfill is not large enough to be required by any State or Federal agency to install such a gas collection system.

A misting system, which combines water with a botanical odor control neutralizer, was installed along approximately 900 feet of the western and southern boundary (indicated by the pink lines on the adjacent aerial map) of the active landfill. Operation of the 32 misting units began on July 17, 2015.
The Region 2000 Services Authority is currently seeking proposals for the operation of the system that would be based on-real time weather and wind conditions.

A 10’ – 15’ berm is built at the beginning of each “lift” so that the landfill operations are screened from adjacent properties. The daily fill area is operated behind this berm until the lift reaches the top and then a new berm is constructed. Plans are to increase the height of the berm to provide even better screening of operations.
Moisture also increases gas production in a landfill. In order to reduce moisture, the final slopes are graded and covered with 12”-18” of intermediate soil cover and then seeded. This allows stormwater to flow from the landfill and into the stormwater retention pond onsite rather than the stormwater soaking into the landfill. The working face is also graded at a 2% - 4% grade so that positive drainage is maintained to avoid ponding and pockets of stormwater runoff.

When the current cell fo the Livestock Road landfill is full it will be permanently capped and grassed; this is expected sometime in 2017. This process essentially will “seal in" the landfill gas caused by the breakdown of the organic material deposited into the active cell. This permanent cover will also increase the effectiveness of the gas collection system.
(Picture shown is of the cap and cover from the Concord Turnpike Landfill in Lynchburg, VA - Summer 2015)