Below is a full list of frequently asked questions and their responses. Should you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Can I dispose of shingles at the Regional Landfill?
Yes. Individuals needed to dispose of shingles must bring them to the Region 2000 Livestock Road Regional Landfill and will be charged the current commercial tipping rate fee.
What is the current commercial tipping rate fee?
See Commercial Guidelines
Can I bring concrete to the landfill?
Concrete is considered an inert material as long as it does not contain metal reinforcement bar. Unlimited separated loads of inert materials such as clean dirt, brick, block, and concrete, without rebar, are accepted free of charge. Inert materials must be fragmented into pieces less than one cubic foot and brought in separate loads, meaning that they cannot be mixed with other household waste. If the material load is deemed unacceptable, you will charged the commercial tipping rate fee.
How do I authorize a third-party hauler to charge to my commercial account?
If you have established a commercial account with the Region 2000 Services Authority, have hired a hauler to bring debris to the Regional Landfill, and wish for loads to be charged to your account you must submit, in writing and sent to our office by USPS, fax or email, the following information: the hauler’s name; number of days they will be hauling for you; and, the approximate number of loads they will be bringing to the landfill. For any further questions contact
How do I dispose of dead animals?
Residents of Campbell County or the City of Lynchburg who seek to dispose of dead animals must bring them to the Region 2000 Livestock Road Regional Landfill. Customers will be charged the commercial tipping rate fee. Dead animals will not be accepted at any convenience center.
May I bring debris of a parent or neighbor if they are a resident of the City of Lynchburg or Campbell County and I am not?
Anyone, other than commercial businesses, may bring debris on behalf of another individual provided that you have their driver’s license or a current utility bill containing their physical address.
What do I bring to the Region 2000 Livestock Regional Landfill for proof of residency?
Anyone wishing to dispose of waste at the Region 2000 Livestock Road Regional landfill must present a valid Virginia State-issued driver’s license or a current utility bill containing your physical address. Documents only indicating a Post Office Box are considered unacceptable as proof of residency.
What debris can I bring to the landfill for free?
The Region 2000 Livestock Road Regional Landfill accepts inert material ONLY for free. See Commercial Guidelines for more information on inert material disposal.
How many pounds per month do residents get for free?
Residents of the City of Lynchburg and Campbell County receive 500 pounds free per calendar month. There is no carryover from month to month of unused weight. Campbell County residents should always stop at the Campbell County Landfill Center or use the other county convenience centers.
Can you look up my account and see how much I owe?
Yes. Please contact our office at (434) 455-6086.
Can I get a copy of my lost Waste Disposal Receipt?
Yes. However, there is a $2.00 fee for each ticket less than two months old and $3.00 fee for tickets more than three months old.
Can you tell me when I used the landfill last?
Yes. Please contact our office at (434) 455-6086.
Can you tell me how much weight I have left to use this month?
Yes. Please contact our office at (434) 455-6086.
Why do residents have to pay when using the Regional Landfill?
The Region 2000 Livestock Road Regional Landfill is operated by the Region 2000 Services Authority. The Services Authority does not receive revenue generated from local, state, or federal taxes. All revenue for operational costs is generated from fees collected for services provided.
I accidentally dropped something of importance in the dumpster (wallet, cell phone, etc.), can I get it back?
Entering a dumpster to retrieve an item is not safe. We advise that you contact our office at (434) 455-6086 for further instruction.
Is staff available to help me unload my car or truck?
I live in Appomattox or Nelson County, where do I find information regarding waste disposal?
Choose from the following: Appomattox County or Nelson County
What are the hours of operation for the Regional Landfill?
See Location and Hours
Where is the Region 2000 Livestock Road Regional Landfill?
See Location and Hours
Is the Regional Landfill closed for the holidays?
See Location and Hours.
What are the procedures for disposing of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM)?
Asbestos or other special waste is accepted only at the Region 2000 Livestock Road Regional Landfill. Anyone who would like to dispose of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM), or other special waste, must complete and submit a Special Waste Disposal Request. All ACM or special waste must be brought to the Regional Landfill and prepared for disposal according to accepted guidelines. Additionally, anyone who would like to dispose of ACM or other special waste must notify the Region 2000 Services Authority 24 hours in advance.
How do I dispose of latex paints?
See Latex Paint Disposal Methods
How do I dispose of oil-based paints?
If the paint is still suitable for use, consider donating it to local charities, schools, or other community-based organizations. However, if this is not an option oil-based paints should be disposed of by bringing them to the next scheduled Household Hazardous Waste and Electronic Collection Day.
When is the next scheduled Household Hazardous Waste and Electronic Collection Day?
See Household Hazardous Waste
Can I dispose of TVs, small appliances and computer equipment other than on a Household Hazardous Waste Day and Electronic Collection Day?
We strongly encourage everyone to recycle when possible. However, you may bring such items to the Region 2000 Livestock Road Regional Landfill however; it will be disposed of in the landfill.
How do I dispose of diabetic needles?
You should always handle needles and other pharmaceutical instruments with great care. We suggest putting them in a heavy plastic bottle, such as an empty bleach bottle or detergent bottle, which can be securely closed.
Note: if any items are brought to the Landfill in a red medical waste container they will not be accepted.
How do I dispose of unused medicines?
See Safe Disposal of Prescription Drugs. Also, each year, during the months of April and October, the Lynchburg City Police Department makes available a drop-off collection barrel. Remember, it is not safe to flush medications down the toilet or into other open drains.
What can I bring to the Household Hazard Waste and Electronic Recycling Day?
See Household Hazardous Waste
Do you accept fluorescent bulbs?
We encourage everyone to bring them to a scheduled Household Hazardous Waste and Electronic Collection Day for free or to check with local home improvement centers for other recycling options. Fluorescent bulbs are not accepted at the Region 2000 Livestock Road Regional Landfill.
The Region 2000 Services Authority does not provide curbside trash collection services. Questions regarding residential guidelines for waste disposal/collection for residents of the City of Lynchburg can be answered by visiting Lynchburg City Public Works Department or contacting the City of Lynchburg at (434) 856-2489. This includes matters regarding recycling, leaf collection, bulk and brush collection, trash cart violations, collections, or decal purchases, and missed trash collection.
Do you have mulch to give away?
Is yard waste (grass clippings) or disposal of leaves free?
No. Anything brought into the Region 2000 Livestock Road Regional Landfill, except for material specifically stated as being accepted at no charge, will be charged at the commercial tipping rate fee.
Can I bring tires to the Landfill and what does it cost?
The Region 2000 Livestock Road Regional Landfill does accept tires and each is charged according to its size. Tires with a 15” rim size or less are charged at $2.00 per tire, tires with a 15.5” to 22.5” rim size are charged at $4.00 per tire. Any tire with a rim size larger than 23” will not be accepted.
Where are the recycling bins located in Lynchburg?
See Recycling
Where are the recycling bins in Campbell County?
See Recycling
Do you have recycling bins for plastic?
There are no recycling bins at the Region 2000 Livestock Road Regional Landfill. Residents of the City of Lynchburg can bring their recyclables to any of the Recycling Drop-off Centers located in Lynchburg. Residents of other counties in the Region 2000 service area can find more information by visiting Recycling.
Do you have recycling bins for glass?
The City of Lynchburg and Campbell County do not provide recycling bins for glass. Recycling options, including glass, can be found at Recycling Facilities.
How and where can I recycle my car?
Though there are several possibilities of how one can recycle an old car, there is a program, Wheels for Wishes, that offers a free and easy way to recycle or donate unwanted cars, trucks, motorcycles, SUVs, RVs, or even boats, by turning them into a wish for a local child. Not only do the proceeds benefit Make-A-Wish Greater Virginia, but your donation is eligible for a tax deduction.